KISD wishes to thank Chief Ivey and his Officers for helping keep the Kerens ISD children safe and for trying to build relationships with the students using positive community policing methods.
over 1 year ago, Brad Atkeisson
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Kerens ISD! It's everything Kerens ISD, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Kerens ISD
It's everything Kerens ISD in your pocket.
KISD would like to send out appreciation to the KHS Class of 1966 for their donation of a Bronze Bobcat to Kerens ISD. The Bobcat will eventually be mounted on a marble stand and placed in front of the Secondary School. It will serve as a beacon for those arriving on campus, a gathering place and as a great photo opportunity with the Secondary columns in the background.
over 1 year ago, Brad Atkeisson
KISD would like to send out appreciation to the KHS Class of 1966 for their donation of a Bronze Bobcat to Kerens ISD.  The Bobcat will eventually be mounted on a marble stand and placed in front of the Secondary School. It will serve as a beacon for those arriving on campus, a gathering place and as a great photo opportunity with the Secondary columns in the background.